April 23, 2014

Paradoxes The Secret of Existence

Its just few months back I started observing the Paradoxes around us
And the more I observed, the more I was convinced that everything around us exist as Paradox 
It was Mind bending at first, because I felt things existing at zero, somewhere between the + and - 
because the paradoxes balanced everything and brought the equilibrium state in everything

But then I started observing that most people were either seeing the + or negative 
Most people weren't able to see the balance , those who saw the Positive they felt happy
and those who were seeing negative, they were miserable 

I also realized this Happiness or Misery was a choice they were making by seeing the Positive or Negative 
and thus those who were living in the reality of Negativity were suffering 
and those who were living in Positive reality were contend , how ever they still were limited in a sense that they didn't see the whole picture of paradox existence and the reason behind it. 

I am still learning to swim in this Vast Sea of Paradox existence, and the more I feel comfortable and confident, farther I can swim and more I can explore 

April 23, 2014

April 18, 2014

Love or Insanity ?

In each and every cell
Of your being

Around each and every hair
On your body
Around your eyelashes 
Kissing your eyes when they close
At night 

And Coloring
Each and every thought of yours

Wearing your laughter
Bathing in your tears
Tasting your fears
Near nearer 
More than nearest 

I want to be ONE with you
I want to beat in your veins 
I want to travel on your nerves 
I want to smile on your lips
I want to sweat from your skin

I want to be that connection
Between your body and your soul
I want to be the life in you
I want to live thru you
I want to be 
Your memory 
Your experience 

I want to be 
The only expression
One and only face
That appear
On your heart 

I want to be
Your finger prints
So when you touch
You leave my name

I want to be
The last breath you take
So when you leave
I will leave with you

Is that Love ?
Am I insane ? 

April 18, 20114

Our Promise

We are meant to be together
Like a heart and a beat
Like a eye and a sight 
Like a mind and a thought 
You are 
The Mirror 
I am 
The Reflection 
There is no reflection
If there is  no mirror
Mirror is just a empty surface
If there is no reflection 
We were together
We are together
And we will be together
No matter 
How difficult the weather 
I ll be the feathers
I ll be the wind under your wings
I ll collect and gather 
If you fall and scatter
I want to be the sorrows 
And your pleasures 
I want to be part of you
That vital missing piece 
In your heart 
We are meant to be together
In this  lifetime 
And all others to come 
Like a Rose and fragrance 
Like a sky and the moon
Like Sea and the shore 
Remember your promises 
Remember we belong together 
Forever and ever and ever 
April 18, 2014

April 7, 2014

Infinity Multiplied By Zero

Journey is from One to Duality 
And then from Duality to One
As soon as soul enters the body
 It enter the realm of duality, 
Where everything seems separate from it
And it begin to feel alone 
This feeling of loneliness brings on a desire for company 
Desire for union, desire to go back to One
Desire to be close to divine once again
But it all happens in our subconscious mind 

In our conscious mind 
We look for the company 
Looking for someone with similar Mind
Same intensity of emotions 
Physical compatibility 

We seek same Intelligence as ours to merge with
We seek the same intensity of  emotions 
We seek physical union 

But when we transcend all of that 
We don't need another being to experience all of that
In the realm of Spirit everything is united 
The more we are lifted 
The more intense experience get
And eventually we lose our own self
And only ONE remain 

But until then we need another being 
Mind to mind 
Heart to heart
and Body to body 
But this experience is so limited 
So temporary 
causing us to seek the experience over and over 

And its sometimes very difficult to find a compatible being 
Causing the frustration / depression / fear of being alone 

April 7, 2014
This post was Inspired by lecture of Guru Ji 

April 5, 2014

You Will Never Know

Like a shooting star
On a starry night
Appearing suddenly
And then disappearing 
leaving me in awe 

Like a smoke
Twisting turning 
Arising from a burning wood
Holding me from waist 
Bringing me close
Capturing my senses 
Dancing embracing 
Wrapping me around
Covering me 

Like the fragrance of Jasmine 
Appearing mysteriously
Outside my bedroom window at night
Finding its way in
Waking me up 
Tickling my dreams
And sometimes 
Just sitting next to me
Looking at me 
All night long

Like a shadow
In the evenings
That walks by me silently 
Stopping when I stop
Walking when I walk
Following me every where 
But never leaves me

Like my Imagination
Giving me wings 
To fly over seas
Riding the winds
Holding hands of clouds 
Looking at world
With the birds eye

Like the first Bud of spring
Appearing when the snow melts
Opening its lips
Filling me with Joy
New life new hope 

Like a still surface of water
Reflecting the world
As it is without any distortion 
Affirming its existence 
Without any judgment 

Like a heart in my chest
So reliable 
No matter what
It continue to beat 
Never stopping 
Even for a moment 

Like a tree branch
With green leaves
Helping the caterpillar  evolve 
Nourishing nurturing it
Helping it turn to butterfly 

Like the keys of piano
Turning the touch of fingers
Into Music 
Filling up the vacuum in my being
With the song of love 
Giving new meaning 
To all the pain
Turning it into wisdom 

You will never know
What you mean to me
What I see
What I feel
What I think
What I am
Its all You 

© AK
April 5, 2014

April 1, 2014

Translucent Veils

I can see them now..... world upon worlds, layer upon layers ...... existing in same space but at different vibrational frequencies ....... I see the glimpses like changing shimmering colors they appear and disappear right in front of my minds eye ....... Twisting my mind to fit in ..... losing all sense of physics and earthly laws....... transforming my Mind into fluid to flow thru dimensions taking me along seated in the middle of minds wings ....I fly on different skies made of different musical notes, high pitch low pitch clouds making music rather then rain ...... Allah hu akbar, ya Raheem Ya Rehmaan ya Allah ..... every particle every spec every atom is spinning due to intoxication of Love ...... touched by love lost all control round and round revolving ecstatic ...... mast mast mast Qalander [ AK, April 1, 2014 ]